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Where are they now? Helene Corrieu, EMTM 2015-2017

September, 25 2023
Where are they now? EMTM Alumni EMTM 2015-2017

EMTM Alumni go in different directions after they graduate. In the blog series "Where are they now?" EMTM Alumni share their career development stories.

Helene Corrieu from generation 2015-2017 shares about her professional career after EMTM.

Where are they now? Helene Corrieu, EMTM 2015-2017

Helene Corrieu, 31
Country: France
Bachelor’s degree: Foreign Languages (English and Spanish) for International Trade

- Why did you decide to apply for EMTM?

When I discovered EMTM, I knew it was the right degree for me: I had loved studying in different countries during my bachelor’s degree (France, Ireland and the Czech Republic), and after working in the adventure tourism industry (scuba diving tourism) on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, I became both concerned and passionate about the need for a more sustainable management of tourism in protected areas, and about the thin balance between the needs for both access and conservation in tourism. EMTM was the perfect opportunity to keep learning about other cultures whilst studying sustainable tourism management.

- What is your best EMTM memory?

I don’t think I could choose only one. There were the fun leisure ones, such as day trips with EMTM friends to go skiing or hiking. There were the social evenings, spent together with friends. There were the study sessions on group assignments, which at the time may not have felt like they would become highlights, but during which I certainly learnt the most with -and from- my classmates. And there were the field trips, during which leisure, social time with friends and learning all blended together in a perfect EMTM way.

- What was your next step after EMTM?

I moved to Scotland to write my thesis during the last semester of EMTM and, passionate about nature tourism and nature restoration, I started working as a Ranger in a Scottish National Park whilst working on my thesis. Almost seven years later, I am still living in Scotland.

- How did the EMTM program help you in your professional career?

EMTM has allowed me to develop skills and knowledge that I use on a daily basis in my job, and without which I would most certainly not have my current role. Probably as equally important as this, EMTM has also helped me to develop soft skills, such as communication (especially report writing and presentation skills), team work, and problem solving.

- What is your current job and what do you like the most about it? What are the main tasks?

I work for the RSPB (largest nature conservation charity in the UK) as Project Officer for a climate resilience and adaptation programme. As part of my role, I manage three sustainable tourism projects aiming at developing cycling and walking heritage tourism in an area of Central Scotland. What I like the most about my role is that I am working for a cause I believe in and for a programme that will make a difference. I also really like that I use skills and knowledge acquired during EMTM on a daily basis, such as skills and knowledge in project management, partnerships in tourism, environment management in tourism and sustainable tourism development.

Questions answered by Helene Corrieu (France), Alumna of EMTM Generation 2015-2017

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